A horizontal wellpoint as a low impact water source in a dune sands aquifer

A horizontal wellpoint (HWP) groundwater source has been constructed to supply irrigation water to a golf course from a coastal dune sands aquifer in an area with vulnerable wetland habitats of European importance. The source was designed to abstract the required quantities with less drawdown compared to that expected from a conventional vertical wellpoint system, thereby reducing any potential threat to the nature conservation sites. Pump testing of the source showed the yield was more than adequate to meet the golf club's needs and to allow efficient operation of the computer controlled course irrigation system. Data from observation wells indicate that there will be no drawdown beyond the golf course boundaries and none of the nature conservation sites will be affected. The HWP method, which has not been widely applied in the UK, may have wide applications for irrigation water users wishing to abstract water from shallow aquifers

Brassington, F.C. & Preene, M. In press A horizontal wellpoint as a low impact water source in a dune sands aquifer. Journal of the CHartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management


Eur Geol Eur Ing Professor F.C. Brassington BSc MSc CGeol FGS CEng MICE FCIWEM